Stages of Development

  1. 2. At four months an infant's birth weight should be almost?
  2. 3. Vocabulary includes 5 to 20 words at how many months?
  3. 4. At this age a child can speak in complete sentences?
  4. 7. An infant says mama and dada at what age?
  5. 9. At two years old this type of training can start?
  6. 12. At what age is solid food introduced?
  7. 14. At six months an infant can respond to their own?
  8. 15. Attachment to what is common at 18 months?
  9. 16. In one year birth weight?
  10. 18. At this age a child will know their name and address?
  1. 1. A five year old will be able to carry on long detailed?
  2. 5. Birth weight quadruples at what age?
  3. 6. Under supervision a five year old can eat with a fork, spoon,and?
  4. 8. Dominance in what body part appears at age 2?
  5. 10. At three years old a child will start to pedal what?
  6. 11. Catching and throwing what is common for a four year old?
  7. 13. At two months an infant can hold up their?
  8. 17. A toddler may do what when they overhear words?