STAHS Yr10 Vocabulary Crossword #2

  1. 2. Physics: Used to measure current
  2. 3. Classical civilisation: This was Cleopatra's first language
  3. 8. Maths: An equation involving x squared
  4. 10. PE: Excessive loss of body water interrupting the function of the body
  5. 13. Chemistry: The alkali metal with the lowest mass
  6. 14. Maths: Very large and very small numbers are likely to be written in this form
  7. 16. History: A situation in which no progress can be made; WW1 in the trenches was often referred to this as
  8. 18. MFL: Pleasure in someone else's misfortune
  9. 19. MFL: Love of travel
  10. 24. Music: Short, detached notes
  11. 25. Art: Dramatic use of tone
  12. 26. Geography: A secondary impact of earthquakes that occur under the sea
  1. 1. Physics: This is equal to force divided by area
  2. 4. English: When two lines of poetry run together without a break
  3. 5. Art: Plastic paint
  4. 6. Geography: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are ___________ hazards
  5. 7. Biology: the trachea divides into two large tubes called _________
  6. 9. Latin: Brother, sister, uncle, son ... or qui / quae / quod
  7. 11. English: We might describe a rose as a ______ of love
  8. 12. Latin: Verb tense even further back in time than -ed
  9. 15. Biology: A muscle which contracts and relaxes, causing you to inhale and exhale
  10. 17. Music: Different lines of music create this
  11. 20. PE: How to start a lacrosse game
  12. 21. History: Compensation for war damage paid by Germany for "causing" WW1
  13. 22. Classical civilisation: Antony and Cleopatra were defeated at this naval battle
  14. 23. Chemistry: Group 7 common name