Stand By Me (Movie)

  1. 2. Where kids will go the day after they get back from the journey?
  2. 5. Word to describe Christ.
  3. 7. Place where they walk to get to their destiny.
  4. 8. What does the kid do in the movie?
  5. 9. What the kids got in case of danger?
  6. 10. Where the kids meet for first time in the movie.
  7. 11. They had to run on the rail road______.
  8. 14. Word to describe Vern.
  9. 17. Where they told the stories by
  10. 18. The boys get these from the water
  11. 19. What use Teddy to see well?
  12. 21. __________ was the thing that the kids smoked when they were camping.
  13. 24. Place where the Teddy's father fought in World War 2?
  14. 25. What is one of the boys in the future?
  1. 1. The last part of the movie is a _________.
  2. 3. What hrist became when he grew up.
  3. 4. What appear two times to put in danger the lives of the kids along the movie?
  4. 6. Who is the most important family member of Gordie?
  5. 12. What did Gordie read for fun himself?
  6. 13. How is the relation between the kids
  7. 15. Time of the year which the journey takes place.
  8. 16. Word to describe Teddy
  9. 20. Word to describe Gordie.
  10. 22. Where do the boys live.
  11. 23. At one moment of the movie Gordie alone run of a ___.