Standard 15 Vocabulary

  1. 4. President of the United States from 1913 to 1921. A Democrat from New Jersey he was President at the start of WWI
  2. 5. Forced Germany to accept responsibility for causing WWI.
  3. 7. creation of the draft in the U.S. during WWI to increase the amount of soldiers between the ages of 18 and 45 into the army
  4. 10. Movement of African-Americans from the South to the North in search of industry jobs
  5. 12. Speech by Woodrow Wilson advocating for post war peace in Europe
  6. 13. Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism; 4 MAIN causes of World War I
  7. 14. World organization aimed at maintaining world peace (14th point)
  8. 16. British cruise liner carrying Americans sunk by German U-boat
  9. 17. Conflicts and hostility between the great European powers
  1. 1. WWI influenced U.S. culturally and economically
  2. 2. German u-boats attacked passenger and merchant ships in Atlantic Ocean
  3. 3. Spoke out against the U.S. involvement in WWI and was arrested in 1918 under E&S Acts
  4. 6. Ended WWI between Germany and the Allied Powers
  5. 8. Telegram from Germany to Mexico encouraging Mexico to join war and attack the U.S.
  6. 9. Money paid for damages or loss of life during a war
  7. 11. Espionage: Prevent interference in military recruitment and support of the military; Sedition: making it illegal to speak against the government
  8. 15. Policy of remaining neutral in European affairs during early 20th century