- 6. Location of couples first date. Hint: Popular restaurant chain.
- 8. Name of one of their cats and a character of a teens show. Hint: show is named after the chemical formula of water.
- 10. Name of one of their cats and the king of the Norse gods.
- 12. Bridesmaid that introduced the couple to each other.
- 1. Couples first concert/ festival Hint: ran from 1995 to 2019.
- 2. Couples' favorite Office Character
- 3. Where did Austin propose?
- 4. Couple plans to honeymoon here.
- 5. Where Allison works.
- 7. Austin's least favorite genre of music. Hint: Austin lived in a town known for this music.
- 9. Name of one of their dogs and rhymes with the name of a popular collie.
- 11. Name of one of their dogs and a popular warrior princess in the 90's.