Staphylococcus aureus

  1. 2. ___ related to S. aureus are frequent leading to increased mortality rates and health costs.
  2. 4. Around 20% of ___ site infections are caused by S. aureus.
  3. 8. This is a complication caused by the bacteria where the body has an extreme response to an infection.
  4. 10. To avoid elimination, S. aureus uses ___ such as agglutination and the formation of thrombi.
  5. 13. Complication of the bacteria where there is inflammation of the skin.
  6. 15. Some bacteria have developed this to medications that were once effective in treating them.
  7. 18. Infection in cattle that is associated with S. aureus.
  8. 21. ___play a major role in controlling S. aureus infection.
  9. 24. The main role of biofilm formation during infection is to protect the bacteria from ___ attacks.
  10. 25. ___cells in the liver work to eliminate pathogens.
  11. 28. A complication that the bacteria can cause where the air sacs are inflamed in the lungs.
  12. 29. Beta ___ are weak against the bacteria in that they have poor permeability causing resistance.
  13. 31. ___ formation can cause menstrual staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.
  14. 32. S. aureus is considered one of these.
  15. 33. ___of medical devices is a common cause of infection in the hospital setting.
  16. 35. ___ improves the antibacterial effect against S. aureus because it allows for better penetration into the cell.
  17. 37. S. aureus uses cytotoxins to create pores in the host cell membrane that causes cell lysis.
  18. 40. The cell ___ of S. aureus becomes disrupted when the positively charged ions of particle bind to negatively charged groups of the bacterial membrane.
  19. 43. S. aureus can complicate skin infections such as the exacerbation of ___ ulcers.
  20. 44. There is currently no ___ against S. aureus.
  21. 45. 30% of people colonized by S. aureus do not present any ___.
  22. 46. This is a term for skin abscesses caused by staphylococcal infections.
  23. 47. In addition to humans, this bacteria can also be acquired from these.
  24. 48. ___immunization gives quick treatment to patients which reduces the severity of infections.
  1. 1. Neutrophils engage in ___ where they migrate from the blood to the site of infection.
  2. 3. ___ are weak against the bacteria because they have poor retention in the cell.
  3. 4. To hide from attacks of the immune system, S. aureus ___ within host cells.
  4. 5. Cationic ___ are a way to treat infections of S. aureus caused by biofilm.
  5. 6. This is the name for a mass of pus caused by bacterial infections.
  6. 7. The majority of S. aureus strains possess the HLA ___
  7. 9. Alpha ___ is a toxin secreted by the bacteria.
  8. 11. This is a kind of medication that can slow down the growth of bacteria.
  9. 12. The antibiotic of last resort against MRSA infections.
  10. 14. S. aureus produces a plethora of proteins that inhibit the ___ system.
  11. 16. When S. aureus first invades, it attaches to the skin and ___ cavity with aid from secreted factors.
  12. 17. It is reported that the resistance of S. aureus in the biofilm state is because of the reduced ___ of drugs.
  13. 19. ___ poisoning may also be caused by ingesting food that contains staphylococcal enterotoxins
  14. 20. This is a term for bacterial skin infections.
  15. 22. ___ toxin is a toxin secreted by the bacteria that can lead to the disease Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome.
  16. 23. ___ are an important anti-virulence strategy for neutralizing toxins.
  17. 24. The ___ and biofilm of S. aureus protects them from the host's immune response and the effect of antibiotics.
  18. 26. S. aureus can ___ and cause infections in the body.
  19. 27. The ___ factors of S. aureus play a role in the bacteria's penetration into the cell membrane and intracellular survival.
  20. 30. ___ are ineffective against the bacteria because they have poor penetration within the cell.
  21. 32. When there is bacteria in the bloodstream.
  22. 34. MRSA is an ___ pathogen that attacks individuals with compromised immune systems.
  23. 35. ___ sensitive nanoparticles can also be used to combat S. aureus infections.
  24. 36. The bacteria is found in the normal skin ___ of animals and humans.
  25. 38. S. aureus infections rely on surface ___ to initiate adherence to host tissues.
  26. 39. Selection ___ caused by the use of antibiotics has increased the bacteria's resistance to medications.
  27. 41. In lung infections that are initiated by a virus such as the ___, S. aureus is often the cause of death.
  28. 42. ___ is an antibacterial agent that inhibits the formation of biofilms.