Staphylococcus aureus

  1. 4. S. aureus when present in the blood can also elicit an infection directly on the valves of the heart known as ____
  2. 6. This symptom is most commonly seen in patients with prolonged infections of S. aureus
  3. 7. The bacterium is typically treated with this antibiotic
  4. 9. In the United States the ____ population are seen to have a higher incidence of this infection
  5. 17. S. aureus resides in the ___ tract
  6. 19. Patients who undergo the treatment known as ___ are seen to have a higher incidence of SAB. This treatment is describing as filtering of the blood from water buildup.
  7. 23. This bacterium depends on these proteins to be made in order to attach to the tissue
  8. 25. Described as the virulence factor of S. aureus
  9. 26. Death that occurs as a result of complicated SAB occurs roughly ____ days after infection occurs
  1. 1. The recommended duration of therapy for antibiotics used to combat simple infections of SAB is ____ weeks
  2. 2. The ____-lactam therapy of this drug class is seen to combat MRSA bacterium with high efficacy
  3. 3. Another name for the infection S. aureus elicits in the blood.
  4. 5. This antibiotic was seen as the first to decrease the mortality rate of SAB when the infection was first discovered.
  5. 8. S. aureus is known to be a ____ hemolysin
  6. 10. These cells that are known as macrophages in the liver and act as the first line of defense after entering the blood
  7. 11. Known as one of the leading causes of infection that occur in the ____
  8. 12. The production of this enzyme differentiates S. aureus from other Staphylococcus infections
  9. 13. This bacterium is known as an ____ pathogen
  10. 14. The fermentation of this sugar on an agar plate allows the differentiation between S. aureus and S. epidermidis
  11. 15. The ____ strain of S. aureus is known to be resistant to several antibiotics
  12. 16. Presence of this bacterium can lead to ___. Which is the trigger of inflammation that can occur in the entire body
  13. 18. This type of diagnostic test is done to properly detect the presence of S. aureus
  14. 20. ____ is the known as the main incidence factor seen of patients with SAB
  15. 21. Identified as a gram- ____ bacterium
  16. 22. patients who have ____ (viral infection) are seen to have a higher chance of contracting SAB
  17. 24. In patients with HIV, a low lymphocyte count associated with MHC II is associated with contracting SAB