Star Trek: Deep Space 9

  1. 3. Famous Cardassian Gul
  2. 4. Cirroc Lofton's character
  3. 8. First Galaxy-class ship destroyed by Dominion
  4. 10. Ben Sisko's middle name
  5. 14. Rom's wife
  6. 16. Nog's biological mother
  7. 18. Kira's given name
  8. 19. Name of the species that occupied Bajor
  9. 20. Morn's species
  10. 22. First Officer Sisko's ship at Wolf 359
  11. 24. Sport Bashir wanted to play professionally
  12. 27. DS9 Commanding Officer
  13. 28. Resistance cell Kira belonged to
  1. 1. Transparent-skulled Captain
  2. 2. Kai Winn's given name
  3. 3. name of the starship assigned to DS9
  4. 5. Odo's race
  5. 6. Leader of the Cardassian Resistance
  6. 7. Kira's rank in season 7
  7. 8. Chief of Operations
  8. 9. Garak's First Name
  9. 11. How many runabout were assigned to DS9
  10. 12. Name of the command deck on DS9
  11. 13. Security Officer that defected to the Maquis
  12. 15. Where DS9 got her first runabouts from
  13. 17. Terry Ferrell played her
  14. 21. Who the Federation went to war against
  15. 23. Quark actor first name
  16. 25. What the Bajorans call Ben Sisko
  17. 26. Lost city Sisko helped to find