Star Wars: 1-9 & TCW

  1. 2. killed Hux, served Palpatine in the old war
  2. 3. Corellian light freighter
  3. 11. Princess Leia's adoptive father
  4. 13. home planet of Padme
  5. 16. moon where rebel base was located
  6. 19. one of the galaxy's most important commerce guilds
  7. 20. the chosen one, prior slave on Tatooine
  8. 21. prison built to hold jedi
  9. 22. capital of Naboo
  10. 23. title of the new government, first led by Snoke
  11. 24. home planet of Rey
  12. 26. color of Obi-wan's first lightsaber
  13. 27. galaxy's most infamous smuggler
  14. 30. flagship shared by Hux & Kylo Ren, first of Resurgent class
  15. 31. helps jedi find the balance with wielding their lightsabers
  16. 33. color of Rey's lightsaber that she makes
  17. 34. menacing sith lord, once a jedi trained by Yoda
  18. 36. renegade group on Mandalore that plotted assassination attempts against Duchess Satine
  19. 39. served as the Jedi Order's Grand Master
  20. 40. 5th Star Wars movie
  21. 42. 6th Star Wars movie
  22. 44. the empire's ultimate weapon
  23. 45. mother to Lux, member of Confederacy
  24. 46. big slug guy, had it out for Han Solo
  25. 49. remote planet, home of the nightsisters/brothers
  26. 52. a nobel order of protectors in the Galactic Republic
  27. 53. Anakin's padawan & survivor of Order 66
  28. 54. 4th Star Wars movie
  29. 57. gold droid fluent in 7+ million languages
  30. 58. led the the terrorist group known as Death Watch
  31. 59. female member of the Resistance who lost her sister in The Last Jedi
  32. 60. had a rivalry with Kylo Ren, was commander of Starkiller Base
  33. 61. was an apprentice to Darth Sidious, was killed by Obi-wan twice
  34. 63. jedi & talented tracker
  35. 65. the group that follows Kylo Ren
  36. 67. lover and wife of Anakin
  37. 70. astromech droid, served Padme, Anakin & Luke
  38. 71. 9th and final Star Wars movie
  39. 73. old flame of Padme's, senator from Scipio
  40. 75. Kaleesh cyborg, commander of the droid armies
  41. 76. desert planet that orbits twin suns
  42. 78. 1st Star Wars movie (in chronological order)
  43. 79. the scavenger
  44. 80. paraded around as the supreme chancellor
  45. 81. big battle between the Separatists & Republic
  46. 82. original owner of the falcon
  1. 1. wookie and co-pilot on the falcon
  2. 2. ruthless military leader, died on the Death Star
  3. 4. brother to Leia
  4. 5. a rocky outer rim world, stayed neutral during galactic affairs
  5. 6. harsh, rocky and bug-filled planet
  6. 7. jedi's weapon
  7. 8. clone commander closest to Obi-wan
  8. 9. past love of Obi-wan Kenobi
  9. 10. famous bounty hunter the clones are modeled after
  10. 12. 3rd Star Wars movie
  11. 14. Luke and Leia were...
  12. 15. group against the empire, led by Mon Mothma
  13. 17. 7th Star Wars movie
  14. 18. kind of robots did the Separatist's use during the war
  15. 25. Twi'lek jedi
  16. 28. previously FN-2187
  17. 29. humanoids with yellow eyes
  18. 32. Poe Dameron's loyal droid
  19. 35. only jedi master with an amethyst colored lightsaber
  20. 37. planet with snowy mountain tops & lush valleys, was destroyed by the Death Star
  21. 38. ice planet
  22. 41. the power the sith have that jedi do not
  23. 43. color of sith lightsabers
  24. 44. once a heroic Jedi Knight
  25. 47. son of Han & Leia
  26. 48. 8th Star Wars movie
  27. 50. homeworld was Mon Cala, was the mastermind behind the attack on the second Death Star
  28. 51. jedi who always went against the council's wishes often
  29. 55. 2nd Star Wars movie
  30. 56. brother to Darth Maul, killed by Darth Sidious
  31. 62. off balance Gungan friend of Padme
  32. 64. former jedi padawan turned assassin
  33. 66. what the droids always say
  34. 68. home of the Twi'leks
  35. 69. heart and capital of the galaxy
  36. 72. supreme leader after Snoke
  37. 74. clone captain closest to Anakin & Ahsoka
  38. 77. hidden world of the sith