Star wars

  1. 5. what humanoids are native to Kashyyyk?
  2. 6. who destroyed the Death Star II?
  3. 8. how many languages did C-3PO speak?
  4. 9. how old was darth sidious when he died?
  5. 11. Who bought Anakins pod racer after Anakin was freed?
  6. 14. how old was Anakin/Vader when he died?
  7. 15. Who was the only Jedi/Sith like Mace Windu ever?
  8. 16. who was vaders first apprentice?
  1. 1. who was Darth Sidious's master?
  2. 2. in the classic trilogy who was the only non-jedi to hold a lightsaber?
  3. 3. where did the clone wars begin?
  4. 4. What is yoda's species?
  5. 7. who killed Anakin/Vader?
  6. 10. what color is Mace Windu's lightsaber?
  7. 12. during his battle with Count Dooku, Anakin lost his ___
  8. 13. who carried the dark saber before Maul?