Star Wars

  1. 3. yoda's home post order 66
  2. 4. jedi that ordered to create clones... _dyas
  3. 6. 3P0 creator
  4. 9. gungan phrase
  5. 11. boba feet's ship... _1
  6. 12. "never underestimate a _ " -Leia
  7. 13. gogurts favorite snack, the little genocidal monster
  8. 14. yodussy
  1. 1. name of the Death Star's original commander
  2. 2. bane's number of Sith Lords
  3. 5. dooku's padawan, type of alcohol
  4. 7. "I have spoken"
  5. 8. obi-wan alias on Tatooine
  6. 10. part of lightsaber (two words)