star wars

  1. 1. han's last name
  2. 4. a book about qui-gon and obi-wan
  3. 5. hera syndulla's home planet
  4. 6. a female jedi who was a member of the jedi council at one point and is the same species as yoda & grogu
  5. 7. anakin's padawan
  6. 9. ezra brideger's master
  7. 12. a catlike animal on lothal
  8. 13. color of luke's lightsaber
  9. 14. the name of the "love theme" when anakin and padme are married
  1. 2. who was anakin skywalker's master
  2. 3. hutt gangster on tatooine
  3. 5. sixth movie chronologically
  4. 7. movie where obi-wan has a mullet (his best look)
  5. 8. mando's real name
  6. 10. third movie chronologically
  7. 11. boba fett's father's name