Star Wars

  1. 2. Wise Jedi
  2. 5. Shmi's grandson
  3. 6. Fett copies
  4. 8. Rebel fighter
  5. 12. Hans weapon
  6. 13. Chewbacca's friend
  7. 15. Lazer sword
  8. 16. Ewok planet
  9. 17. Dark lord of the Sith
  10. 19. Princess
  11. 21. Famous Mandalorian
  12. 22. Planet destroyer
  1. 1. Vaders grandson
  2. 3. Young Vader
  3. 4. Luke's uncle
  4. 7. Imperial soldier
  5. 9. Chewies race
  6. 10. Darth Sith
  7. 11. A Hutt
  8. 14. Dangerous pit
  9. 18. Queen
  10. 20. Rate of travel