Star Wars

  1. 1. Crystals that power lightsabers
  2. 5. Capital of the republic
  3. 8. The chosen one
  4. 9. Sepratist ship equipped with superweapon
  5. 10. Jedi temple guards lightsaber color
  6. 11. Anakin's home planet
  7. 12. Sith with restraint
  8. 14. First Star Wars movie
  9. 15. Lightsaber color of the sith
  1. 2. Form of force lightning associated with the light side.
  2. 3. Commander of the 212nd Legion
  3. 4. Rough, coarse, irritating, and gets everywhere
  4. 6. Influencial Planet of the midrim
  5. 7. Precursors to stormtroopers
  6. 13. Anakin's astromech droid