Star wars

  1. 6. “General Kenobi…kašalj,kašalj”(tko kaže to?)
  2. 7. Boba Fett’s “dad”
  3. 9. Han Solo’s best friend
  4. 10. what is the name of a droid that anakin skywalker built?
  5. 12. what color is Ray’s lightsaber at the end of the final movie?
  6. 14. In witch videogame is Cal Kestis?
  7. 15. most common starship that the imperials use
  8. 16. a warrior with an armor made out of beskar
  9. 17. weapon of destruction after Death star
  10. 19. Leader of the clan Ran
  11. 20. son of Anakin Skywalker (just the name)
  1. 1. most common starship that the rebels use
  2. 2. Sith name of Count Dooku
  3. 3. what did General kenobi say when he encountered grievous
  4. 4. popular holographic game that they ususally play in star wars
  5. 5. Han Solo’s best friend species
  6. 8. very good at card games, owner of cloud city
  7. 11. Emperor…(second name)
  8. 13. what is the name of the planet general grievous and kenobi fought on?
  9. 18. General kenobi’s astromech droid
  10. 19. Planet of very hairy species with brown fur