Star Wars

  1. 3. - Kylo's master in episode VIII.
  2. 6. Luke Skywalker's twin sister (first name only).
  3. 8. Rebel ship used in blowing up the first Death Star (Luke flew one).
  4. 9. This astromech droid has been featured in every Star Wars film in the Skywalker saga.
  5. 14. The best pilot in the Resistance (first name only).
  6. 15. The bounty hunter that all clones were designed after.
  7. 16. This character lives in the Dagobah System.
  8. 17. The pop culture name for Grogu.
  9. 21. Kylo Ren's actual name.
  10. 22. The snow lizard that is domesticated and ridden on the planet Hoth.
  11. 23. Little creatures with bright eyes that live in the sands of Tatooine. "Who-tini!"
  12. 25. Padme Amidalla's home planet.
  13. 27. Sith that killed Qui-Gon Jinn.
  14. 28. Father of Luke Skywalker and eventually Darth Vader.
  15. 29. The color of Mace Windu's lightsaber.
  16. 30. Former stormtrooper now Resistance member.
  17. 31. This little droid rolls around.
  1. 1. Protocol droid built be Anakin Skywalker.
  2. 2. Gungan that says, "misa called ____________, misa your humble servant."
  3. 4. Leader of the Knights of Ren, enemy of Rey, and he killed his father - Han Solo.
  4. 5. Captain of the Millenium Falcon.
  5. 7. The Last Jedi was episode ___________.
  6. 9. The grand-daughter of Sheev Palpatine.
  7. 10. Bounty hunter that captures Han Solo and transports him to Jabba's palace.
  8. 11. Character with a double blade lightsaber.
  9. 12. This character begins Luke's Jedi training.
  10. 13. Reprograms C3PO so that he may speak Sith.
  11. 18. The name of Star Wars Episode IV.
  12. 19. Another droid that rolls but this one rolls on a singular wheel.
  13. 20. Furry little creatures that inhabit the forest moon of Endor.
  14. 24. The instructions or plan given to all the clones to eliminate all Jedi. Execute __________.
  15. 26. Monster-creature that Luke battles in Jabba's dungoen.