Star wars

  1. 3. Leader of the empire
  2. 5. Trains luke and Anakin
  3. 7. Walkers seen on battle of endor
  4. 10. the gangster on tatooine
  5. 11. the inhabitants of endor
  6. 12. Han Solo's Ship
  7. 14. The magic use in star wars
  8. 15. Empire's most powerful weapon
  9. 16. Also known as Anakin Skywalker
  10. 17. Little droid
  1. 1. Golden droid
  2. 2. Empire's mother ship
  3. 4. The bounty hunter who hunts han solo
  4. 6. Grandmaster Jedi
  5. 8. The sand planet where luke is from
  6. 9. Walkers seen on Battle of Hoth
  7. 13. The troops of the empire
  8. 14. Empires fighter