Star Wars

  1. 2. Only second to Master Yoda
  2. 7. The evil twin of Obi-Wan's apprentice
  3. 11. The enemies of the Republic in the Clone Wars
  4. 12. The foot soldiers of the First Order
  5. 16. The place where the Rebel Alliance was formed
  6. 18. The "Jedi Killer"
  7. 19. She said "We are spark that will light the fire that will restore the Republic"
  8. 20. The Emperor's way of taking revenge on the planet's he felt failed him
  9. 21. The guy that lost the Millenium Falcon
  10. 26. She got it where it counts
  11. 28. The Emperor's first name
  12. 29. The predecessors of stormtroopers
  13. 30. He discovered Starkiller Base's weakness
  14. 32. Yoda escaped from _______
  15. 33. The standard plane of clones
  16. 34. The First Order's base of destruction
  1. 1. Jedi that turned
  2. 3. The Empire's terrifying weapon
  3. 4. The pirate that had a castle
  4. 5. The princess' father
  5. 6. From smuggler to hero
  6. 8. Queen Amidala's homeworld
  7. 9. Grand Moff Tarkin's famous line: "You may ____ when ready."
  8. 10. The expandable foot soldiers of the Empire
  9. 13. Resistance general Poe _________
  10. 14. The scavenger that saved the galaxy
  11. 15. Han's home
  12. 17. The planet farthest from the bright center of the galaxy
  13. 22. Princess and general
  14. 23. The weapons of the Jedi and Sith, used for close combat
  15. 24. The peaceful planet
  16. 25. The man that defeated the emperor
  17. 27. Emperor Palpatine's kingdom
  18. 31. Chopper was lost in this card game