Star Wars

  1. 2. Tatooine has ___ suns
  2. 3. The Wookiee planet
  3. 8. Maul's homeworld
  4. 10. Windu's lightsaber
  5. 11. Obi-Wan's lost planet
  6. 13. R2-D2 is an _________
  7. 14. "Never tell me the ____"
  8. 15. Anakin's mother
  9. 16. Previous owner of the Falcon
  10. 18. Millenium _______
  11. 19. May the _____ be with you
  12. 20. ________ Base
  1. 1. Capital of the Republic
  2. 3. Obi-Wan ________
  3. 4. Answer this, you must
  4. 5. Gungan transport
  5. 6. Imperial army grunts
  6. 7. Jar-Jar ____
  7. 8. Planet killer
  8. 9. A Jedi's weapon
  9. 12. Leia's last name
  10. 17. Ice planet