Star Wars

  1. 4. Good guys with lightsabers
  2. 5. Darth ___ (evil Anakin)
  3. 8. ___ "It's a trap"
  4. 10. Falcon Han Solo's ship
  5. 11. Anakin trusted him
  6. 12. Blue and white droid
  7. 13. ___ Skywalker (jedi)
  8. 14. ___ Fett
  9. 15. Golden droid
  10. 17. Princess ___
  1. 1. Yoda's old padawan (turned evil)
  2. 2. Darth ___ (held duel-wielded lightsaber)
  3. 3. ___ Alliance
  4. 4. ___ the Hutt
  5. 6. Bad guys with lightsabers
  6. 7. ___ Strikes Back
  7. 9. Han Solo's best friend
  8. 16. ___ Racer (Anakin built one)