Star Wars

  1. 4. You'll never guess it. Old Republic Sith Lord #1.
  2. 5. Big hairy creature.
  3. 10. Evil Empire Leader.
  4. 11. Luke's alternate name before being changed to Skywalker.
  5. 12. Person who made this puzzle.
  6. 14. Star Wars Villain.
  7. 16. Scoundrel and Smuggler.
  8. 17. Little hairy creature.
  1. 1. Luke _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 2. Fishy Rebellion Admiral.
  3. 3. Old Republic Sith Lord #2.
  4. 4. Kenobi's opponent in The Phantom Menace.
  5. 6. Cyborg Villain.
  6. 7. 501st Clone Captain.
  7. 8. Vader's worst enemy.
  8. 9. Messed up First Order Mastermind.
  9. 11. Pizza-shaped ship.
  10. 13. Weapon of a Jedi.
  11. 15. KIT _ _ _ _ _.