- 1. Luke's home planet
- 3. Han Solo's ship
- 7. Darth Vader's Sith Mentor
- 8. Luke's second and last Jedi mentor
- 9. The Empire's "Goons"
- 10. Luke's R2 unit and companion
- 12. Senator of Alderaan & Luke's sister
- 13. Han Solo's Wookie best friend
- 14. Leia's home planet
- 16. Captain of the Millennium Falcon
- 2. Luke's first Jedi mentor
- 4. R2D2's nervous droid companion
- 5. Luke & Leia's Father
- 6. The last Jedi Knight
- 7. Planet of the Ewoks
- 11. Giant Battleship the Rebels are trying to destroy
- 15. The weapon of the Jedi and the Sith