Star Wars

  1. 5. Giant tentacled beast in pit of carkoon
  2. 6. bravest astromech droid in the galaxy (the droid is in every movie)
  3. 9. Most famous and evil Sith Lord ever
  4. 11. Jedi’s weapon
  5. 13. jabba’s giant beast in his palace
  1. 1. rebellion star fighter
  2. 2. Tatooines most detested Hutt
  3. 3. Quermian Jedi
  4. 4. golden protocol droid
  5. 7. Evil version of the Jedi
  6. 8. Most common type of weapon in the galaxy
  7. 10. Most cute bird in the galaxy (Ach-to)
  8. 12. Furry little mini-bears (Endor)