Star Wars Planets

  1. 3. Where the Jedi get their Kyber crystals
  2. 4. Home of Hondo Ohnaka
  3. 11. where Rey lived
  4. 12. Birth place of Luke and Leia
  5. 13. Home of the Togruta
  6. 14. Home of the Ewok's
  7. 15. Home of Princess Leia
  8. 18. Yoda's Home
  9. 22. Where General Grievous was defeated
  10. 23. Where the senate of the republic is held
  11. 25. Home of the Twi'lek species
  12. 28. Slave Empire
  13. 30. Home of the Mon Calamari and Quarren
  14. 31. Home to Saw Gerrera
  1. 1. where the clones were made
  2. 2. Home planet of Kit Fisto
  3. 5. Has a moon called Concordia
  4. 6. Cloud city is on this planet
  5. 7. Home to a sith temple
  6. 8. Where Aayla Secura died
  7. 9. Home of Ezra Bridger
  8. 10. Padme was formerly the queen
  9. 16. Home of Maul
  10. 17. Where Pong Krell pitted clone troopers against each other
  11. 19. Spice can be found here
  12. 20. Where Obi Wan had the high ground
  13. 21. Home of the wookies
  14. 23. Where the Millennium Falcon was made
  15. 24. Ice planet
  16. 26. Where the clone wars began
  17. 27. Twin Suns
  18. 29. Home planet of Jabba the Hutt