star wars Thomas

  1. 2. im on the ...... of the ledge
  2. 4. my .... is very overgrown
  3. 6. i ...... some fish on my fishing line
  4. 8. i brought some lollies
  5. 10. i went to the ..... to buy a lolly
  6. 12. its straight away
  7. 15. i ...... my sister how to read
  8. 16. im tired of ..........
  9. 18. ......... to the map we must go south
  10. 19. killing
  11. 20. i ran ....... the car
  1. 1. i ...... some chocolate
  2. 3. i came ...... in the race
  3. 5. loud
  4. 7. i ....... i was going to die
  5. 9. is ...... now
  6. 11. you are .......
  7. 13. the bigger word from organise
  8. 14. i like ......
  9. 17. i use trains as .........