Star wars

  1. 1. 1977
  2. 3. daniels actore who played c-3p0
  3. 5. 1980
  4. 8. character based on Lucas's dog Indiana
  5. 9. Han Solo
  6. 10. won the most Oscar's in 1977
  7. 12. boba fett
  8. 13. the only Jedi in any film to wield a unique lightsaber
  9. 16. home of the ewoks
  1. 1. Darth Vader
  2. 2. Fiction genre
  3. 4. the only main character to die of natural causes
  4. 6. 1983
  5. 7. creator of starwars
  6. 11. master mace windu lightsaber colour
  7. 14. what stormtroopers armor color
  8. 15. who killed the emperor in return of the jedi