Starcraft II Crossword part 2

  1. 1. Heart of the _____
  2. 6. The encyclopedia of SC2.
  3. 7. The canadian city which hosted WCS and NASL events.
  4. 9. The name of Raynor battlecruiser.
  5. 10. "More GG more _____" -White-Ra
  6. 13. The new Gateway unit for Protoss.
  7. 14. Only Terran remaining at Blizzcon.
  8. 16. He's the Zerg evolution Master.
  9. 17. High diamond, low _______?
  10. 19. Legacy of the ____
  11. 20. "My life for Aiur!"
  12. 22. This american player switched from Terran to Protoss and played in WCS 2015.
  13. 23. That zerg player from Evil Geniuses has an emote on Twitch
  14. 25. Avilo loves to go ____.
  1. 2. New multiplayer mode announced for Legacy, it was playable in the beta.
  2. 3. Winner of WCS Season 3 in 2015.
  3. 4. One of Sentry ability.
  4. 5. You require more __________ (in one word!).
  5. 8. He likes to wear Pika Suits on stream Kappa.
  6. 11. _____ of Liberty
  7. 12. A new unit for Zerg players in the new expansion.
  8. 15. Zerg players like to spread it across the map!
  9. 17. He was the local player at WCS Season 3 finals.
  10. 18. (◕‿◕✿) STYLE (◠‿◠)✌ START (◠‿◠✿) _____
  11. 21. Winner of 2015 GSL Season 1
  12. 23. Winner of Blizzcon 2013.
  13. 24. Last team in Proleague 2015 Standings overall.
  14. 26. Terran unit announced for the last expansion, but then was removed.