"Stargirl" crossword puzzle

  1. 3. What was Stargirl's prize after winning her state competition?
  2. 8. What did Stargirl give Leo on his birthday at the beginning and end of the book?
  3. 10. What type of competition did Stargirl win?
  4. 13. What dance did everyone take part in at the school dance?
  5. 15. What is the name of the musical group Stargirl started?
  6. 16. What part of the newspaper did Stargirl love to read?
  7. 17. What color were most tuxedos at the school dance due to Wayn Parr's influence?
  8. 22. What was the name of Archie's rodent skull?
  9. 23. Where in Archie's house was Stargirl's office?
  10. 24. What was Stargirl's best friend's first and last name?
  11. 27. How did Stargirl sign her name on the card she wrote to Leo?
  12. 29. What was Stargirl's bike covered in when she went to the school dance?
  13. 31. What was Stargirl's first nickname that she gave herself?
  14. 33. What was thrown at Stargirl when she was cheering for the other team?
  15. 34. Where did Stargirl move to after she lived in Arizona?
  16. 35. What was Stargirl's pet rat named?
  17. 36. What was the first song Stargirl's musical group played in the courtyard?
  18. 37. Who was Leo's best friend?
  19. 38. What type of bird did Mr. McShane teach Stargirl about?
  20. 40. What uncle gave Leo his first porcupine necktie?
  21. 42. What trinket did Stargirl keep on her dresser that showed how happy she was?
  22. 43. What word means penetrating electromagnetic radiation of a kind arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei?
  23. 44. Who was Wayn Parr dating?
  24. 46. What did Stargirl give everyone on Halloween?
  25. 47. What word means failure or refusal to conform to a prevailing to a rule or practice?
  26. 49. Who was the paleontologist who talked to Leo often, and taught him interesting information?
  27. 50. What does Stargirl do when it rains?
  1. 1. What instrument did Stargirl play?
  2. 2. What did Stargirl sing during lunch?
  3. 4. When Stargirl and Leo came back from the competition where there lots of people or none?
  4. 5. What did Stargirl climb up in the middle of halftime during a Mica football game?
  5. 6. What town did Leo and Stargirl live in?
  6. 7. Who attacked Stargirl during Hot seat?
  7. 9. What instrument did they add to the Mica band after Stargirl left?
  8. 11. What word means to ask questions of a suspect or prisoner closely, or aggressively.
  9. 12. What school activity did Stargirl take part in?
  10. 14. Who slapped Stargirl at the school dance?
  11. 18. What was Stargirl's real name?
  12. 19. What color dress did Stargirl wear to the school dance?
  13. 20. What was written next to Leo on Stargirl's calendar?
  14. 21. The Mica basketball team was _________ before the end of season tournament?
  15. 25. What type of flower was painted on Stargirl's bag?
  16. 26. What was the show where Leo and Kevin interviewed students called?
  17. 28. What did Leo and Stargirl do when they went to the enchanted place?
  18. 30. What was Stargirl's corsage made out of?
  19. 32. What was the name of the school dance Stargirl attended?
  20. 39. Leo was upset with the school because they were _________ him and Stargirl, because Stargirl was cheering for other school teams.
  21. 41. Was Leo happy or upset at first when Leo saw Stargirl's message on the roadrunner?
  22. 45. What did Kovac High School's player severely hurt during a basketball game?
  23. 48. Was Stargirl's house and family normal or unusual?
  24. 51. What did Leo hide behind when Stargirl realized Leo was in the front yard?