Starlit Crosswords: Dream Big

  1. 3. Trust in one's abilities and judgment
  2. 5. Person with a clear and original vision for the future
  3. 7. Belief in oneself and one's abilities
  4. 9. Sequence of images, ideas, emotions, or sensations occurring during sleep
  5. 10. Ability to think or express oneself in an original and imaginative way
  6. 12. Hope or ambition to achieve something
  7. 15. Taking action to achieve a goal or solve a problem
  8. 16. Ability to form new ideas and images in the mind
  9. 19. Reason or desire to do something
  1. 1. Strong and barely controllable emotion
  2. 2. Continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action despite difficulty
  3. 4. Stimulation of the mind to creative thought or action
  4. 6. Firmness of purpose or resolve
  5. 7. Ability to use imagination and original ideas to create something new
  6. 8. Quality of being brave and confident in the face of danger or difficulty
  7. 11. Introduction of something new or different
  8. 13. Determination to continue in the face of obstacles
  9. 14. Disposition to look on the more favorable side of events
  10. 17. Strong desire to achieve something
  11. 18. Aims or objectives that one hopes to achieve