Starry’s Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. He wear glasses
  2. 4. He is Korean
  3. 7. He is in 4F
  4. 9. He has blond hair
  5. 11. He likes the Avengers
  6. 13. Her handwriting is very neat
  7. 14. She is Korean
  8. 16. He is a boy
  9. 17. He is very tall
  10. 18. He is a friend of Itay
  1. 1. He is in languages PreA-LL class
  2. 3. She is from Japan
  3. 4. She knows how to skate
  4. 5. A great friend of Rika
  5. 6. She has brown hair
  6. 8. She is 9 yrs old
  7. 10. The creator of this crossword puzzle
  8. 12. He can speak Hebrew
  9. 13. He is a new student in 4F
  10. 15. She dyed her hair pinkish-red
  11. 17. She speaks Hebrew