Starship 2

  1. 3. A P____ grows from the seed.
  2. 4. What does he want? P______
  3. 7. They work on a F___
  4. 10. Play a G_____
  5. 11. He works at a hospital D____
  6. 13. Which hand tells the time?
  7. 16. Whats he doing? R______
  8. 17. A teacher works here.
  9. 18. Do elephants have T____?
  10. 21. Can T_____fly? Yes, they can
  11. 22. Crocodile lives in the _____
  1. 1. A light
  2. 2. It can make coffee.
  3. 5. 60 minuets long.
  4. 6. In F____ of
  5. 8. What are you doing? I'm M_____ J_____
  6. 9. It has a mane.
  7. 12. N___ to
  8. 14. 60 seconds long.
  9. 15. Gets D_____
  10. 19. Takes a shower
  11. 20. It has a pouch