Start of the Cold War

  1. 4. agreement among the US and its allies to protect each other from communism
  2. 6. the city of __ would be divided into zones
  3. 7. The USSR was a __ nation that wanted to ensure political dominance of the Communist Party.
  4. 9. Hundreds of planes filled with food brought supplies to the residents of West Berlin during the blockade (2 words)
  5. 10. Alliance of communist nations (2 words)
  1. 1. The US foreign policy consisted of __ of communism to prevent the spread of Communism around the world.
  2. 2. the US would do whatever necessary to prevent the spread of communism (2 words)
  3. 3. The __ plan provided Europe with funds to rebuild after the war
  4. 5. The "big 4" countries were the US, the USSR, Britain, and __
  5. 8. the allies met at the __ Conference to make plans for what to do after Hitler's defeat
  6. 11. During the Cold War, fighting took place in __ wars in third world countries.