state and federal court systems-ZAF

  1. 5. The government’s side in a criminal case.
  2. 6. The authority of a court to hear and decide specific types of cases.
  3. 7. The authority of a court to hear a case for the first time.(2words)
  4. 10. An authorization by a court for police to make an arrest(2words)
  5. 12. One of the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals, which handle appeals from district courts.(2words)
  6. 13. The quality of being consistent with the provisions of the Constitution.
  7. 15. The decision of a judge or jury
  8. 16. A group that hears the evidence in a criminal case(2words)
  9. 17. A legal action through which a person can seek relief from unlawful detention.(2words)
  10. 20. Courts established by state constitutions to handle matters not within federal jurisdiction.(2words)
  1. 1. A court that reviews decisions made by lower courts.(2words)
  2. 2. The person or company filing the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  3. 3. A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case or the person being served in a civil suit.
  4. 4. The branch of government that reviews or interprets the laws. They also punish lawbreakers. (2words)
  5. 8. A federal trial court where most federal cases begin.(2words)
  6. 9. A court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal law.(2words)
  7. 11. The power of courts to review and potentially invalidate laws or government actions.(2words)
  8. 14. A court case involving disputes between two parties (2words)
  9. 18. The highest federal court in the United States, responsible for interpreting the Constitution.(2words)
  10. 19. The Constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws(2words)