State and State Changes

  1. 5. A measure of a system's disorder.
  2. 7. Which state has no definite shape or volume?
  3. 8. The energy of the motion of particles in a substance.
  4. 10. The force that attracts liquid particles to solid surfaces.
  5. 13. Type of dipole-dipole interaction that is strong.
  6. 14. A weak van der Waal's interaction.
  7. 15. The force that causes liquids to form a spherical shape.
  8. 16. The state at which a chemical process and its reverse process happen simutaneously.
  1. 1. The medium strength van der Waal's interaction.
  2. 2. What is the form that solids usually exist in?
  3. 3. The force that attracts liquid particles to itself.
  4. 4. The point at which all three lines on a phase diagram meet.
  5. 6. Which state has a definite volume but not shape?
  6. 9. The total energy of a system.
  7. 11. Which state has a definite volume and shape?
  8. 12. The attractive forces in ionic compounds.