State Capitals

  1. 3. The state capital of Washington
  2. 6. The state capital of Arizona
  3. 9. The state capital of Alabama
  4. 10. The State capital of Wisconsin
  5. 12. The state capital of Maine
  6. 13. The state capital of Maryland
  7. 15. The state capital of Kentucky
  8. 17. The state capital of Texas
  9. 19. The state capital of Colorado
  10. 20. The state capital of Delaware
  1. 1. The state capital of Massachusetts
  2. 2. The state capital of Mississippi
  3. 4. The state capital of Oregon
  4. 5. The capital of the state which is an archipelago
  5. 7. The state capital of Illinois
  6. 8. The state capital of Idaho
  7. 11. The state capital of Georgia
  8. 14. The state capital of Connecticut
  9. 16. The state capital of Kansas
  10. 18. The state capital of Montana