State Crime

  1. 1. The thinker that proposed the Authoritarian Personality as an explanation for state crime
  2. 3. crimes A form of crime committed by the state in times of conflict
  3. 5. One explanation of state crime, where people conform and do as people say
  4. 8. The thinker that described the USA's colonisation of Iraq as a war crime and one that took place in the aftermath of the Iraq war
  5. 10. - This thinker argues that states have to make a greater effort to conceal their crimes or re-label them.
  6. 13. Where the victims are not seen as normal, the same principles of morality do not apply.
  7. 14. The main way that states try and justify human right's violations.
  1. 2. One example of genocide, killing 400,000 in only ten days.
  2. 4. - Another way, further in the cycle, that states may react when accused of a state crime
  3. 6. 'Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.'
  4. 7. The idea that much harm done by the state is not against the law
  5. 9. The thinker who identified four different types of crime
  6. 11. rights Some sociologists use this as a way of defining state crime. Includes natural and civil rights.
  7. 12. This person defined state crime as 'acts defined by law as criminal.' However, using a state's own domestic law is problematic as it ignores the fact that states can make their own laws and avoid being punished.