state farm

  1. 1. Well-being
  2. 4. Portion of claim paid by the insured
  3. 7. Those who lease
  4. 9. Deficit
  5. 12. Overflow of a large amount of water
  6. 13. The space between
  7. 14. Field of produce
  8. 15. Owned apartment (abrev.)
  9. 17. An amendment or rider to a policy
  10. 20. Dog or cat
  11. 25. Negative preface for lock or theft
  12. 26. Person's state prior to being old
  13. 28. Also
  14. 29. Frosty
  15. 32. Become something different
  16. 34. Money holding structure
  17. 35. Car
  18. 36. Seat NIGGER____
  19. 37. One of fifty
  20. 38. Where crops are grown
  21. 41. An economic benefit
  22. 43. A collection of persons or things
  23. 44. A person who is part of a club or organization
  24. 46. Risk of possible loss
  25. 49. Engine
  26. 51. Frozen rain
  27. 52. Expose to danger
  28. 55. Group of animals
  29. 57. Rough calculation
  30. 59. Taxi alternative
  31. 61. One of the offered choices
  32. 62. Right to unowned property
  33. 64. ____ of ethics; set of values
  34. 66. Diminish
  35. 73. State Farm major competitor
  36. 74. An application for compensation
  37. 75. Person steering a vehicle
  38. 76. State Farm AAA alternative
  39. 77. Unlocking device
  40. 79. Pig's home
  41. 81. Transportation device
  42. 85. Crash
  43. 87. Violent wind storm
  44. 88. Injure
  45. 90. Possession
  46. 91. Petrol
  47. 95. Free of risk
  48. 96. Verbal cost estimate
  49. 97. Platform used to submit policy changes (SF acronym)
  50. 98. Person who examines the degree of risk
  51. 99. Wet soil
  52. 102. Period of time a policy is in effect
  53. 105. A fixed charge
  54. 107. Financial responsibility
  55. 111. An amount to be paid
  56. 112. Absolution
  57. 113. A contract of insurance
  58. 116. Restoration
  59. 118. Related to the treatment of bodily injury
  60. 119. Not financially protected
  61. 121. Claim investigator
  62. 122. A paid position of employment
  63. 123. Calendar number
  64. 124. Representative, usually commission based
  65. 125. Type of company owned by the customers
  66. 126. Rider
  1. 1. Super warm
  2. 2. Robbery
  3. 3. Type of property owned by one individual
  4. 5. Patron
  5. 6. Invoice platform (SF acronym)
  6. 8. Temporarily halt
  7. 10. Salary
  8. 11. Entire
  9. 16. Roost dweller
  10. 18. Possess
  11. 19. Property value in excess of liens
  12. 21. Free from public attention
  13. 22. Fund
  14. 23. Protection
  15. 24. Door opener
  16. 27. Government organization providing natural disaster aid (acronym)
  17. 30. Worth
  18. 31. Bodily trauma
  19. 33. Henhouse stalker
  20. 39. Reach full extent
  21. 40. Potential customer
  22. 42. Wedded partner
  23. 45. Construct
  24. 47. Oinker
  25. 48. Device that protects from rain
  26. 50. Official authorization to conduct business
  27. 53. Monthly remittance agreement (SF acronym)
  28. 54. Person who sells insurance for multiple companies
  29. 56. Fixed price
  30. 58. Person who is under legal age
  31. 60. To tie or fasten
  32. 63. Guarantee of compensation
  33. 65. Calamity
  34. 67. Additional liability protection (SF acronym)
  35. 68. Unexpected occurrence
  36. 69. Residence
  37. 70. Advantages
  38. 71. Bound collection of pages
  39. 72. Risk
  40. 78. Help
  41. 80. Protection against a loss
  42. 82. The process of validating
  43. 83. Slap
  44. 84. hat or maximum limit
  45. 86. Restrict an amount
  46. 87. Peril
  47. 89. Accident, mishap, or disaster
  48. 92. Fire residue
  49. 93. To obtain
  50. 94. Haul
  51. 99. State Farm founder
  52. 100. Type of policy that pays a death benefit
  53. 101. State Farm CEO
  54. 103. Written accounts of collected data
  55. 104. AKA
  56. 106. Cow sound
  57. 108. Person residing next door
  58. 109. Crisis
  59. 110. Combustion
  60. 112. Criminal deception
  61. 114. User
  62. 115. Rented
  63. 117. Cow's oral fixation
  64. 120. A trap made of mesh