State Floats

  1. 4. Added on February 14th 1859
  2. 6. State with this flag
  3. 9. Springfield is the capitol
  4. 10. motto “All for Our Country”:
  5. 11. Added to the U.S. on June 1st, 1792
  6. 12. Capitol Charleston
  7. 14. 30th State
  1. 1. Motto "In God We Trust"
  2. 2. French Motto
  3. 3. Motto "Agriculture and Commerce"
  4. 5. Known for Rock and Roll/ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  5. 6. 23rd state added
  6. 7. 22nd state to be added to the U.S
  7. 8. Has this shape
  8. 13. state that has this flag