State Government

  1. 3. tax on alcohol, gasoline, and tobacco
  2. 6. PA judges must retire at this age
  3. 9. "vice president" of their state
  4. 12. seats divided among districts
  5. 14. the process of removing elected officials from office
  6. 15. number of senators in the PA General Assembly
  7. 20. food used to describe the blurred lines between state and federal power
  8. 21. a method of choosing judges
  9. 22. amendment that reserves any powers not given to the federal government to the states
  10. 23. charge made on purchases of goods and services
  11. 26. top legal expert in the state
  1. 1. number of judges on the PA Supreme Court
  2. 2. money that must be used for a specific purpose
  3. 4. the process by which a law is referred to by voters to approve or reject
  4. 5. money that can be used for anything
  5. 7. age minimum to be governor in PA
  6. 8. certificated that people buy from the government
  7. 10. current governor of PA
  8. 11. veto that vetoes specific lines/items rather than the entire piece of legislation
  9. 13. how judges in PA are selected
  10. 16. the process by which citizens can propose laws
  11. 17. two house legislature
  12. 18. a tax on people's earnings
  13. 19. state with a unicameral legislature
  14. 24. length of terms for PA judges
  15. 25. distinct line(layer) between state and federal power