State Government

  1. 2. The status of being an independent and recognized state within the United States.
  2. 6. An elected member of the state's lower legislative chamber.
  3. 10. A set of fundamental principles and laws that govern the state.
  4. 11. The process of choosing public officials through voting.
  5. 12. Branch The part of the state government responsible for interpreting and applying the law.
  6. 13. The building where the state's legislative body meets to make laws.
  7. 14. The power of the governor to reject a bill passed by the legislature.
  8. 15. The leader of a state government who is responsible for making and enforcing laws and policies.
  1. 1. Party A group of people with similar political beliefs who work together to win elections and govern.
  2. 3. Branch The part of the state government responsible for carrying out and enforcing laws.
  3. 4. Money collected by the state government through taxes and other sources.
  4. 5. A group of elected officials who make and pass laws for the state.
  5. 7. An elected member of the state's upper legislative chamber.
  6. 8. A change or addition to the state constitution or laws.
  7. 9. A proposed law that is being considered by the state legislature.