State of Consciousness Vocab

  1. 4. the inablitly to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get good quality of sleep
  2. 6. mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance like state of consciousness
  3. 9. a neurobiological explaination of why we dream
  4. 11. a cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a 24 hour period
  5. 13. any of the stages of sleep that do not include REM
  6. 14. a burst of oscillatory brain activity visible on an EEG that occurs during stage two sleep
  7. 15. state of consciousness in which the person is especially susceptible to suggestion
  8. 16. the hidden meaning of the dream
  9. 17. long, slow brain waves that indicate the deepest stage of sleep
  10. 18. feelings of great fear experienced on suddening waking of the night
  11. 19. a person’s awareness of everything goin on around them at any give time
  1. 1. stage of sleep in which the eyes move rapidly under the eyelids and the person is typically experiencing a dream
  2. 2. a frightening or unpleasant dream
  3. 3. drug induced stage of memeory loss
  4. 5. walking around and sometimes preforming other actions while asleep
  5. 7. sleep disorder in which a person falls immediatley into REM sleep during the day without warning
  6. 8. actual dream content, the dream itself as it is remembered
  7. 10. the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique
  8. 12. an involuntary twitch which occurs just as a person is beginning to fall asleep