State Test Prep

  1. 2. different words that mean exactly or nearly the same thing.
  2. 7. A form of literature that is formed with rhythmic qualities. Intensifies emotions, descriptions, and all ideas.
  3. 8. The main character in a story ( Hero)
  4. 9. A group of lines forming recurring units in a poem
  5. 11. Comparing two things using like or as
  6. 13. A word or phrase that isn’t meant to be taken literally
  7. 14. an essay that requires the student to investigate an idea and create an argument concerning that idea. Explain something!
  8. 15. Type of writing that informs/ educates your reader
  9. 16. the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.
  10. 17. The way a text makes a reader feel
  11. 18. The author's attitude in the text.
  12. 20. The starting letter repeats in a statement or question
  13. 22. An essay that tells a story. Can be a personal story or made up.
  14. 23. the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place.
  1. 1. Words that are pronounced the same but have a different meaning.
  2. 3. An essay that uses evidence and facts to support the claim/position.
  3. 4. A character that creates a problem within a story. ( Villain)
  4. 5. Using writing to convince an audience of your point of view.
  5. 6. An extreme exaggeration
  6. 10. Different words that mean the opposite of each other.
  7. 12. The moral or lesson of a story.
  8. 16. Giving a human trait to a non human object.
  9. 19. Comparing two things without using like or as
  10. 21. a subdivision of a poem, specifically a group of words arranged into a row that ends for a reason other than the right-hand margin.