
  1. 2. Where is Broadway located?
  2. 4. Where do lots of roses grow?
  3. 5. Where do lupins and lobsters thrive?
  4. 7. It is a peach of a place to live.
  5. 8. Land of 10,000 lakes?
  6. 12. Where are we located right now?
  7. 14. Where is the best chocolate made?
  8. 15. Which state is the car capital of the USA?
  1. 1. What happens in this state stays in this state?
  2. 3. It is a mile high?
  3. 6. Where do the redwood trees live?
  4. 9. Why oh Why oh Why oh?
  5. 10. Where would you do the hula?
  6. 11. Where is the land of Lincoln?
  7. 13. Harry Potter and Mickey live there.