
  1. 2. Janie thinks this State has one of the best state flags out there (ask her, it's pretty good)
  2. 4. Once held the nation's capital
  3. 10. Home of the Braves, Hawks, Thrashers, & Falcons
  4. 12. The other state thats not part of the lower 48
  5. 13. Home of Music City
  6. 14. Buffalo territory
  7. 15. Not part of the lower 48...
  1. 1. The smack dab center of Tornado Alley
  2. 3. Home of the Grapefruit League (Baseball)
  3. 5. Excelsior
  4. 6. State Forty-Eight
  5. 7. Montpelier is the State Capital
  6. 8. Six Flags got it's name for the # of Flags this state has had
  7. 9. Home of the largest Salt water Lake in the Western Hemisphere
  8. 11. Unfairly has the most professional sports teams