States and Separation

  1. 4. a state where the particles move freely with a lot of energy
  2. 6. the mixture of a solute and a solvent
  3. 9. something that cannot be dissolved
  4. 13. the temperature at which a liquid evaporates
  5. 14. measured in degree celcius
  6. 15. the temperature at which a solid changes state to a liquid
  7. 17. the liquid that a solute is dissolved into
  8. 18. a state where the particles vibrate in a fixed position
  9. 19. the spreading out of particles in a liquid
  1. 1. changing from solid to liquid
  2. 2. the process of separation where you evaporate a liquid to leave behind solid crystals
  3. 3. changing from liquid to gas
  4. 5. usually a solid that is being dissolved
  5. 7. something that can be dissolved easily
  6. 8. when a solute seems to disappear in a liquid
  7. 10. when a solvent cannot dissolve any more of the solute we call it...
  8. 11. changing from liquid to solid
  9. 12. changing from gas to liquid
  10. 16. a state where the particles are close together but can move passed one another