States of Consciousness Vocab

  1. 2. Mental Stage where you are at peace.
  2. 6. Sleep Start or Sleep twitch.
  3. 8. (Non-Rapid Eye Movement Stage of Sleep in which the eyes do not move rapidly.
  4. 9. Theory that explains why we dream.
  5. 10. A frightening or unpleasant dream.
  6. 11. Therapy in which someone uses hypnosis to cure problems or habits.
  7. 13. (Rapid Eye Movement) Stage of Sleep in which the eyes move rapidly under the eyelids.
  8. 15. A cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a 24 hour period.
  9. 17. Walking around or moving around half awake at night.
  10. 18. A person’s awareness of everything that is going on around them.
  1. 1. Subject matter of a dream. (Freudian)
  2. 3. Human sleep Pattern.
  3. 4. Inability to fall asleep.
  4. 5. Underlying meaning of symbols in dreams. (Freudian)
  5. 7. Long Slow brainwaves that indicate the deepest stage of sleep.
  6. 12. State where person is especially susceptible to suggestion.
  7. 14. A burst of oscillating brain activity that is visible on an EGG that occurs during Stage 2 of Sleep.
  8. 16. Feeling of great fear when waking during the night.
  9. 19. Falling into REM Sleep during the day without warning.