States Of Matter

  1. 3. - type of energy we use to heat up substances
  2. 5. - between particles and holds states of matter together
  3. 8. - state of matter, particles close, but can move
  4. 9. - when a liquid turns to a solid
  5. 11. - when a gas turns into a liquid
  6. 13. - substance that dissolves in a solvent
  7. 14. - when a solid turns into a liquid
  1. 1. - when a liquid turns into a gas
  2. 2. - very small, what all states of matter are made up of
  3. 4. - when a solvent and solute are mixed together
  4. 6. - type of energy particles have
  5. 7. - state of matter, particles cannot move.
  6. 10. - liquid that mixes with a solute to form a solution
  7. 12. - state of matter, particles very far apart and move quickly