- 1. matter turning from a liquid to a gas, when heat is added
- 4. matter that is hardened and stable in shape
- 8. anything that takes up space and can be weighed
- 9. matter turning from a solid to a gas, without ever becoming a liquid
- 12. a state of matter that has no specific shape, and can expand to any size
- 14. how much space an object takes up, in regards to its mass
- 15. matter turning from a gas to a liquid, when heat is removed
- 2. the type of energy that impacts temperature, which directly impacts the state of matter
- 3. the amount of matter that a substance is made from
- 5. a state of matter that flows freely, and holds the shape of its container
- 6. matter turning from a gas to a solid, without ever becoming a liquid
- 7. matter turning from a liquid to a solid, when heat is removed
- 10. tendency of an object to rise or float after being submerged in a fluid
- 11. matter turning from a solid to a liquid, when heat is added
- 13. what matter is made from