- 4. The property of an object that tells how much matter it contains
- 6. When an object can be seen through
- 7. Water is an example of this
- 11. Causes a whole new material to form
- 13. A rock is an example of this
- 14. The mass in every object pulls on the mass in every other object with a force
- 15. How much space something takes up
- 16. Scientific word that is closest to the everyday word "stuff"
- 1. Makes something look different but is the same material
- 2. A neon sign is an example of this
- 3. Very small parts that make up atoms and molecules
- 5. When an object cannot be seen through
- 8. Tells how tightly the particles are packed together in a material
- 9. Steam is an example of this
- 10. How rough or smooth the surface of an object is
- 12. Cannot be divided into smaller bits with everyday tools