States of Matter

  1. 1. A substance made up of two or more elements.
  2. 3. The point at which the pressure of a liquid is equal to outside pressure.
  3. 6. All matter is made up of tiny ________.
  4. 9. A French scientist that studied pressure.
  5. 10. The ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object.
  6. 13. A fluids resistance to flow.
  7. 14. According to Charles' Law, as temp increases, so does ______.
  8. 16. Changes of one substance to another
  9. 20. The point at which a solid becomes a liquid.
  10. 21. There is a relationship between pressure, volume, and _______.
  11. 22. Particles are constantly _________.
  1. 2. Changes in size, shape, or state of matter.
  2. 4. State of matter with no volume or shape.
  3. 5. The point at which a liquid becomes a solid.
  4. 7. The mathematician who made buoyancy discovery.
  5. 8. State of matter with definite volume, but no definite shape.
  6. 10. A British scientist who studied gases.
  7. 11. State of matter with definite volume and shape.
  8. 12. Directly from a solid to a gas.
  9. 15. A substance made up of atoms that are all alike.
  10. 17. Theory on how the particles of gases behave.
  11. 18. Force exerted per unit area.
  12. 19. A Swiss scientist who studied fluids.